You've saved and spent a lot of money on travel and on your photography equipment to create lasting memories and images. There's no way you're going to lose those images. But have you thought about the precautions you need to take to make sure your images are safe? Yes, your camera can get stolen or broken during the trip, and you can lose your precious images. So don't let this happen to you! After all, this is the most important part of your trip. So here are a few useful tips and tricks to help you save those famous memories of your travels - your images - in complete safety.


This can come in a range of options and prices: from a simple USB, memory card or external hard drive, which may require you to bring your laptop, to more expensive but ingenious methods. If you travel for a long period of time, or if you travel frequently with little desire to lug around a heavy or expensive laptop, it may be worth buying a notebook. Notebooks with decent storage space are often considered more advantageous to buy and use as a backup hard drive, than a separate external hard drive. They cost about the same, but the notebook offers more functionality.


Uploading your photos to Facebook, twitter, Instagram is something most people have been doing, or at least know how to do, for years now. It's really the best way to save your travel photos. It's as simple as clicking a button. Create travel or destination albums, so they're easy to find and you can look at the one you want when you need to find something, or just want to revisit your memories. However, while it's just as easy, this method of organizing photos reduces the quality and size of your images.


It's simple to use and accessible, iCloud is a great option for those who mainly take pictures on their iPhone. Android users can also use their Google account to save them. You won't have any worries when you take a picture, because iCloud takes care of the rest for you. It's a good option for those who are mainly worried about having a copy of their photos, just in case something happens to the originals, but aren't so determined to spend more money and time backing up photos. However, this is not for someone who takes tons of photos and travels very often, as storage space is limited.