You have decided to launch on Instagram by creating your account? Perhaps you already have your profile? But you don't really know how to optimize your online presence? How to select engaging content on Instagram? I invite you to read what follows. You will learn how to create and publish content that works. Welcome aboard, make yourself comfortable, imminent take-off into the world of Instagram?

Instagram: tips for publishing content that rocks

With more than one billion registered users, Instagram is an essential social network. Thus, like Facebook, Instagram is part of the galaxy of social networks on which you must be present. Moreover, if you have a Facebook account, you can easily link your two accounts since Instagram belongs to Facebook since 2012. Created in October 2010, Instagram is young, but has nothing to envy its elders. Its power is based on photography and many other things that I will share with you without further ado.

Instagram and photography: expose your company's image

The special feature of Instagram is that it allows the sharing of photos and videos. Whether you are a professional photographer or a simple amateur, you can easily share your pictures. Filter, caption, create style effects and stage your creation? It's child's play thanks to the features available. To communicate with your community, to make it discover the backstage of your activity, 3 rules :
  • Publish your photo content regularly;
  • Add a caption;
  • Use filters, colours or, better still, a quote to set the scene.
Because the visual aspect is very important on this social network, you must take special care on the quality of your photos.

Publish videos to animate your creations

Video content is very popular. To be useful and engaging, don't hesitate to publish tutorials on video, or in the form of a photo album. You can also print your Instagram photos into a photo album through many online websites like for instance. With tutorials, you offer value, useful content rather than publications that are perceived as simply advertising. It is this notion of value that needs to be emphasised. Whether they are educational, informative, emotional or entertaining, your publications must bring something to your audience. If, when looking at your publication, you feel it doesn't contribute anything, it may not be worth posting! Don't hesitate to use this lever to attract and retain your community.

Share with your community in the intimacy of Stories

Through Instagram stories, you will generate curiosity and engagement with your community. Instagram stories are ephemeral publications. They only last 24 hours. But don't panic: we can save the ones that interest us. Why I recommend you to use the stories? There are many advantages:
  • Authenticity;
  • Publication without pressure since it disappears after 24 hours;
  • Instant effect;
  • Creation of a bond of proximity and complicity with your audience.
You can make artistic creation, publish text, photos, video... Give free rein to your creativity.

Add Hashtags to communicate intelligently

Hashtags, or hashtags, are used to create hyperlinks. It is in your best interest to include them at the bottom of your publications. In concrete terms, the hashtag works like a search filter. When someone searches with hashtag on a specific subject, if your link contains the word hashtag, your publication will appear in their search results. Not only the tags, but also the mentions contribute to your communication strategy. Don't hesitate to "tag" other instagrammers. Subscribe to other interesting accounts in your theme. Participate by commenting on their publications. Quote them in your content if they have inspired you, for example, or if your post complements one of theirs. Why it works on Instagram if used intelligently :
  • It increases your visibility;
  • It brings you traffic and builds your community;
  • Your notoriety is enhanced by linking it to the tagged people;
  • It can help you connect with Instagram influencers.
By animating your community, you develop your brand. You can test, submit, modify and get feedback on your strategy quickly. Publishing content that works on Instagram is not that difficult. But it requires serious and regular work. It requires a certain rigour, combined with a sense of community. And then, you need to regularly consult statistics to understand what works, and what doesn't work. Go for it! Be creative, be regular and have a dash of boldness and you'll see the results.