Composed of two exceptional islands, New Zealand attracts many visitors from all over the world. With its unique landscapes and natural treasures, the destination of New Zealand promises a splendid discovery. This trend is combined with its friendly people who offer joy and sharing for those who are eager to travel. What makes this country so attractive?


Many people choose to travel to New Zealand because of the nature reserves it has. The stay in this country of Kiwis is marked by the tourist attractions brought by its natural treasures. Among the natural treasures for which New Zealand is famous, Tongariro is home to a national park that captures the hearts of travellers. The park has three volcanoes and forms small turquoise blue lakes. It is a natural treasure that is the subject of many visits. It is also possible to hike around this park in the same area that thousands of travellers do every year. This is the Alpine Crossing. Not to be missed is the glow-worm decorated cave at Waitomo. And don't forget the thermal pool at wai-o-Tapu. This is a natural pool that is created from a natural phenomenon. In addition, the Southern Alps offer picturesque views of several high mountain ridges.


The natural lakes that attract visitors are New Zealand's tourist attractions. Lake Pukaki in the first one offers an exceptional view of its deep blue colour. In turn, Lake Wakatipu is located in the south of the country. This splendid lake offers many activities to do such as boat cruises. Then, the lake of Wanaka, in the north of the country bordered by mountains which offers an unequalled view. Lake Tekapo, which exudes an exotic charm with the plant species that are present there. Lake Manapouri, located in the town of Fiorland, which offers a soothing view at sunset. Lake Tarawera in the Rotorau area, where visitors can enjoy a hot spring. Finally, the lake of Te Anau, where you can participate in water sports and fishing.


New Zealand is home to endemic fauna and flora. For example, tourists enjoy meeting the smallest penguin ever recorded on the beach. It is also called the pygmy penguin. For bird lovers, New Zealand is full of unique species. The best known that attract visitors are the kakapo, the piwakawa and the kiwi which is the country's emblem. These birds are protected in the national park and are the subject of a destination trend in New Zealand.